

Dr. Ashrawi: Israeli impunity and international indicators of change

04 May 2020 in 2020

(May 2, 2020): "In recent days, we have witnessed courageous and outspoken voices from all over the world condemning and warning against Israeli annexation. The European Union, the Arab League, the United Nations, Russia, China, 131 current and former UK officials, 11 US Congress members, 11 European ambassadors who delivered a demarche, UN Special...

A statement issued by the Negotiations Support Unit - PLO on the issue of territorial jurisdiction of the Court in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

01 May 2020 in 2020

"The ICC Prosecutor’s response to Pre-Trial Chamber I concludes the deliberations over the issue of territorial jurisdiction of the Court in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. The 60-page document responds to submissions of over fifty amici curiae, legal representatives of victims, and States regarding the Prosecutor’s request from...

A Call to Collective International Action from Dr. Hanan Ashrawi

28 April 2020 in 2020

"The Palestinian leadership welcomes important statements made by many states and regional organizations, including the European Union, Russia, China, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Ireland, Italy, and Norway rejecting Israeli plans for the annexation of Palestinian territory as illegal and unacceptable.

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