

Dr. Ashrawi on U.S. President Donald Trump's recent tweet on Palestine

04 January 2018 in 2018

In response to U.S. President Donald Trump’s tweet on Palestine, PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi said: "Palestinian rights are not for sale. By recognizing Occupied Jerusalem as Israel’s capital Donald Trump has not only violated international law, but he has also singlehandedly destroyed the very foundations of peace...

Following her meeting with Italian MP Hon. Lia Quartapelle Procopio, Dr. Ashrawi condemns Knesset law aimed to unite Jerusalem

03 January 2018 in 2018

PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi met with Italian MP Lia Quartapelle Procopio who was accompanied by Italian Consul General Fabio Sokoloicz today at the PLO Headquarters in Ramallah. Dr. Ashrawi provided a comprehensive overview of Israel’s prejudicial and illegal steps concerning Jerusalem and its status and reality on...

UN Security Council States are United Against the US Decision

20 December 2017 in 2017

Palestinian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates his excellency Dr. Riyad al-Maliki, confirmed that the Security Council States unified vote isolated the United States in its violation to the principles of international law and decisions of the international community.

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