

Palestinian Human Rights Organisations Submit Second Communication to the International Criminal Court on Israeli War Crimes

12 February 2016 in 2016

four Palestinian human rights organisations whose mandate it is to pursue justice and accountability, delivered a communication pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights, Al-Haq, Aldameer, and the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights provided evidence of the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Rafah between 1 and 4 August 2014 following the invocation of the controversial Hannibal Directive by the Israeli military forces.

Israeli policies of exclusion and discrimination, along with its government’s inflammatory statements contribute greatly to the escalation of tensions in the region. The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls upon people of conscience to respond on

28 January 2016 in 2016

Many local, regional and international civil society organizations have issued a call for an International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian Citizens of Israel on January 30th 2016. This is in response to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent incitement against Israel’s minority Palestinian population, as well as the longer history of institutionalised racism and discrimination against Palestinian citizens of Israel.

A call for the International Community to respond to Israeli incitement against its minority Palestinian population

18 January 2016 in 2016

Recent inflammatory statements by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have prompted the call for an International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian citizens of Israel on January 30th 2016. This call by various civil society organizations asks people of conscience globally to act in solidarity with Palestinian-Israelis and to help bring their stories of discrimination and exclusion to the attention of the international community.

Dr. Ashrawi: Sectarian violence in Israel is the direct result of a hate culture generated by the occupation

18 January 2016 in 2016

“We strongly condemn the vandalization of the Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem. Such an act is the direct result of a hate culture generated by racism and the occupation with impunity, exceptionalism and entitlement. The international community is responsible to protect both Palestinian holy sites and people from such Israeli sectarian attacks and to put an end to such lawlessness in Israel.”

PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi made these comments during a meeting with a visiting delegation representing the interfaith Tree of Life Educational Fund at the PLO Headquarters in Ramallah.

Dr. Erekat: A New Year of Israel’s Occupation Has Begun with Continued War Crimes

15 January 2016 in 2016

Dr. Saeb Erekat, the Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organization, strongly condemned the recent Israeli plans to advance its colonization operations throughout the Occupied State of Palestine, which primarily aim to further divide and isolate Occupied East Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank. Dr. Erekat stressed that Israel’s illegal policies are based on the continued demolition of Palestinian homes with the intention to forcibly transfer the Palestinian population and replace them with more Israeli settlers.
It is time to divest from all companies and organizations that are complicit in the Israeli occupation and its settlement enterprise

Dr. Ashrawi on Israel’s recent escalation of its colonial settlement enterprise

29 December 2015 in 2015

According to a report by Peace Now, the Israeli Ministry of Housing is working on plans to construct 55,548 illegal settlement units in the West Bank (including occupied East Jerusalem); this includes plans to build more than 25,000 units on the Palestinian side of the Apartheid Wall; 8,372 units in the E-1 area; two new settlements (GivatEitam, south of Bethlehem and Bitronot/Brosh, northern Jordan Valley); and over 12,000 units in occupied East Jerusalem and the Old City, among other illegal settlement projects.

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