

Dr. Ashrawi: Israel is provoking a global holy war with its attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound (Al-Haram Al-Sharif)

15 September 2015 in 2015

Dr. Ashrawi said, “Israel is playing with fire. Clearly, Israel is deliberately creating and escalating a situation of instability, insecurity and violence, thereby incrementally assuring by force its power/security control in preparation for the total annexation and transformation of Al-Haram Al-Sharif.

By imposing its own version of its concept of the Temple Mount on the third most holiest Islamic site, Israel is not only provoking the Palestinians, but the entire Muslim world.

14 September 2015 – Incitement Raises Tensions at Al-Aqsa Compound in Jerusalem

15 September 2015 in 2015

Identical letters sent today to the UN Secretary-General,President of the Security Council,President of the UN General Assembly on Israel's illegal actions and provocations at Al-Haram Al-Sharif in Occupied East Jerusalem.


I write to draw your urgent attention to the rising tensions in Occupied East Jerusalem. The illegal actions and constant provocations and incitement by Israel, the occupying Power, including in particular by right-wing Israeli government officials, extremist settlers and religious zealots, against the Palestinian people, their land and their holy places are aggravating already-high tensions, religious sensitivities and the fragile situation on the ground, threatening to ignite religious conflict and further destabilize the region, which is already experiencing unprecedented instability and upheaval.

Statement by Ambassador Dr. Riyad Mansour, Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, at the United Nations General Assembly Vote on the Draft Resolution (A/69/L.87/Rev.1) on the Raising of Flags of Non-Member Observer States (Ite

11 September 2015 in 2015

10 September 2015 by Palestine at the UN

Mr. President,

On behalf of the State of Palestine, I am honored to address the General Assembly following its historic vote and adoption of the resolution on the raising of flags of non-member Observer States at the United Nations, namely the flags of the State of Palestine and the Holy See.

We are grateful to all of the Member States that supported this resolution and convey the deepest appreciation of the Palestinian people and their leadership for the honorable position they have taken on this most meaningful issue for our people. We also express special thanks to the cosponsors of the resolution for their consummate support for this initiative, consistent with their abiding support for the just cause of Palestine. The positive votes of Member States today constitute a reaffirmation of the longstanding, principled position of the international community in support of a just, lasting,

Ambassador’s Visit to Fiji

05 September 2015 in 2015

The Ambassador of the General Delegation of Palestine to Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, Mr. Izzat Abdulhadi, made a successful visit to Fiji through the participation in the Pacific Countries Development Forum.

Palestinian Prisoners Hunger Strike- A Test for Israeli Arrogance

19 August 2015 in 2015

Media Brief- NAD, August 18, 2015: the occupying power, systemically abuses Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, holding them as hostages to exert pressure on the Palestinian leadership to pay a heavy political price for their release. Since 1967, Israel arrested more than 800,000 Palestinians and incarcerated them in Israeli jails. Today, there are around 5,820 Palestinian political prisoners scattered over 20 Israeli jails, detentions and investigation centers, and more than 450 administrative detainees, including 10 elected legislative Council members.

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