

Why the ALP should recognise Palestine

18 July 2015 in 2015

in a few days, the ALP's national conference will debate whether to recognise the state of Palestine. As a member of the federal Labor caucus and co-convener of the Australian Parliamentary Friends of Palestine, I urge my ALP colleagues and conference delegates to support calls for Labor in government to recognise Palestinian statehood.

Statement by the Permanent Observer Mission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations on the One-Year Anniversary of the Israeli War against the Palestinian People in the Gaza Strip

09 July 2015 in 2015

On the passage of one year since Israel’s war against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, it is with the deepest sorrow that we remember the 2,251 Palestinians, among them at least 299 women and 556 children, who were killed during the Israeli occupying Power’s 51-day bombardment that inflicted terror, death and massive destruction on Gaza. We memorialize all whose lives were so brutally taken and underscore the continuing plight of the traumatized survivors of this devastating war, including more than 11,000 injured.

Welcoming vote at 29th session of the UN Human Rights Council

07 July 2015 in 2015

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Palestine welcomed the adoption today by the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva of the resolution on “Ensuring accountability and justice for all violations of international law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem” by an overwhelming majority of Member States.

Statement by PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Saeb Erekat on the Holy See – State of Palestine Agreement

29 June 2015 in 2015

On behalf of the PLO, I would like to welcome the historic agreement signed between the Holy See and the State of Palestine last Friday in the Vatican. This agreement stresses the Church’s integral role in Palestine and reaffirms the Vatican’s historic position of support towards the fulfillment of the national rights of the Palestinian people by recognizing the State of Palestine on the 1967 border.

US demands end to Israeli abuse of Palestinian children

29 June 2015 in 2015

Nearly 20 House Democrats have urged Secretary of State John Kerry to stress the rights of Palestinian children during Washington’s relations with Tel Aviv.
“Israel’s military detention system targeting children is an anomaly in the world,” according to the letter co-signed by 19 lawmakers, and released by Rep. Betty McCollum. “Secretary Kerry, we urge the Department of State to elevate the human rights of Palestinian children to a priority status in our bilateral relations with the government of Israel.”

Vatican signs first treaty with 'State of Palestine', Israel angered

29 June 2015 in 2015

The Vatican signed its first treaty with the "State of Palestine" on Friday, calling for "courageous decisions" to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and backing a two-state solution.

The treaty, which made official the Vatican's de facto recognition of Palestine since 2012, angered Israel, which called it "a hasty step (that) damages the prospects for advancing a peace agreement".

Israel also said it could have implications on its future diplomatic relations with the Vatican.

Palestine’s First Communication of Information to the International Criminal Court Regarding Violations of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law

25 June 2015 in 2015

On June 25th, 2015, the State of Palestine will officially present an initial batch of information to the International Criminal Court in order to assist with its preliminary examination into crimes committed on the territory of the occupied State, including East Jerusalem, since June 13 2014. The delivery of this information is considered a fundamental step in the process of ending Israeli impunity and bringing justice to the Palestinian people.


23 June 2015 in 2015

President Mahmoud Abbas said on Sunday that Palestinians are in line with French approaches to negotiations with Israel, as France’s FM tours the region in an effort to reignite peace talks.”We are committed to ideas that will launch the peace process, start negotiations to end occupation and establish an independent, geographically connected Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem within the concept of the two-state solution,” Abbas said during a meeting in Ramallah with French foreign minister Laurent Fabius

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