

Palestinian foreign minister requests 'terrorist' label for militant settlers

13 May 2014 in 2014

In a letter sent to foreign ministers and leaders, Palestinian Authority says so-called 'hilltop youth' and 'price tag' activists breed a culture of hate and racism. The Palestinian Authority has officially asked the United States, Canada, Russia, and the European Union to declare "price tag" perpetrators and "hilltop youth" activists as terrorist organizations, and include them on those countries' list of terror groups.

Hebron ‘heartbreaking’ for Xenophon

12 May 2014 in 2014

Before leaving palestine, Senator Xenophon had a message for any Australian politician who argued Israel’s settlements were not ­illegal. “I would urge Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten to have a good look at the International Court of Justice’s statement on Israeli settlements,” he said. “The ICJ statement is crystal clear — all settlements are illegal under international law.”

“Best prospect now for realizing Palestinian self-determination is grassroots mobilization”- UN rights expert

09 May 2014 in 2014

GENEVA (8 May 2014) – The outgoing United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories, Richard Falk, today urged more businesses and civil society “to join the growing global solidarity movement to resist the prolonged Israeli occupation and creeping annexation of Palestine.”

His appeal comes in the wake of the collapsed Israeli-Palestinian peace talks brokered by the United States over the past nine months.

Israeli president says Netanyahu torpedoed peace deal

09 May 2014 in 2014

Shimon Peres says two-state solution was agreed before it was ‘ended’ by Netanyahu

ISRAELI president Shimon Peres said on Tuesday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu deliberately destroyed a peace deal that had been reached covertly with the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in 2011.

Remembering the Nakba: Israeli group puts 1948 Palestine back on the map

08 May 2014 in 2014

Maps, leaflets and posters explain the work of Zochrot – Hebrew for "Remembering". The organisation's mission is to educate Israeli Jews about a history that has been obscured by enmity, propaganda and denial for much of the last 66 years.

Next week, Zochrot, whose activists include Jews and Palestinians, will connect the bitterly contested past with the hi-tech present. Its I-Nakba phone app will allow users to locate any Arab village that was abandoned during the 1948 war on an interactive map, learn about its history (including, in many cases, the Jewish presence that replaced it), and add photos, comments and data.

Ashrawi: “Netanyahu Turns Israel into Racist State by Law”

06 May 2014 in 2014

RAMALLAH, May 5, 2014 – (WAFA) – Member of PLO Executive Committee Hanan ‘Ashrawi stated Monday that the Israeli government and extremist right-wing coalition reveal the true face of the Israeli apartheid regime which is based on discrimination, exclusion and rejection of the other in gross violation of humanitarian and international law.

‘Ashrawi made this statement reacting to Israeli Prime Minister’s Benjamin Netanyahu’s plans to enshrine Israel's status as the 'national homeland for the Jewish people' in law.

Israel Tortures Prisoners under the Law

06 May 2014 in 2014

GAZA, May 5, 2014 (WAFA) – Al-Mezan Center for Human rights said, in a press release on Monday, the Israeli law provides immunity and amnesty to investigators of the Israeli Security General Service to practice torture and ill-treatment against Palestinian prisoners, in violation of prisoners' rights.

Palestine adopts significant human rights treaties

05 May 2014 in 2014

From today, the State of Palestine is bound by international human rights standards, having brought into force five treaties, with two others coming into effect in July.

The treaties include the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The Optional Protocol to this last convention will come into force in May.

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