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Embassy Activities

Embassy Activities

Sydney Rally for Al Nakba

15 May 2022 in 2022

Ambassador Izzat Abdulhadi and the Staff of the Palestinian Embassy participated in the Sydney Rally that was organized by Palestine Action Group Sydney to commemorate the 74th Anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba. Thousands of people (including a number of Australian MP's) were in attendance to hear the distinguished speakers, pay...

Launch of 6th Al-Awdah International Cinema Festival

14 May 2022 in 2022

On May 14, Ambassador Izzat Abdulhadi has participated in a gathering to commemorate the 74 anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba in Sydney, attended by representatives of Arab and Palestinian communities, journalists and others who are interested in Cinema industry.

Virtual Book of Condolences Opened in Honour of Shireen Abu Akleh

12 May 2022 in 2022

In honour of Shireen Abu Akleh, veteran Palestinian journalist who was targeted and killed by Israeli occupation forces on May 11th 2022 while doing her job and wearing a press vest, the General Delegation of Palestine to Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific opened a Virtual Book of Condolences to...

Meeting with Aboriginal Tent Embassy

11 May 2022 in 2022

On May 11, Ambassador Abdulhadi and the Embassy Staff met with the representatives of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy at the Palestinian Embassy premises in Canberra. Topics discussed included the similar settler-colonial histories of the Palestinian people and First Nations people, as well as the importance of engaging in systematic, constant and...

Meeting with Jonathan Curr

11 May 2022 in 2022

On May 11, Ambassador Abdulhadi met with Mr Jonathan Curr, the new Divisional Manager for the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Middle East and Africa Division to congratulate him on his new position, as well as to discuss recent political developments in Palestine, bilateral relations between the State of Palestine and...

Visit from ANU IR Society

04 May 2022 in 2022

Engaging with youth and students is an effective strategy of the Palestinian Embassy in Canberra. In this context, a successful visit from members of the Australian National University (ANU) International Relations Society took place on May 4, which included a bold and interactive discussions on Palestinian history, narrative and rights.

Ramadan Iftars

30 April 2022 in 2022

 Ambassador Abdulhadi and the Embassy Staff had the opportunity to participate in many Iftar gatherings during the Holy Month of Ramadan including those hosted by the following:

Tales of a Homeland

26 March 2022 in 2022

On March 26, Ambassador Abdulhadi, Mrs Zeina Abdulhadi, and Counsellor Noura Saleh had the opportunity to participate in Tales of a Homeland, an amazing and inspiring show performed by members of the Palestinian community. This event was a celebration of Palestinian culture, identity, heritage, and history, and included a production of...

Visit from Girls Run the World

11 March 2022 in 2022

On March 11, the Embassy hosted delegates from Girls Run the World, Canberra, a program dedicated to inspiring young women to engage with the diplomatic community. During their visit, the delegates learned more about diplomacy, our mandate, the situation in Palestine, and Australian foreign policy.

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Embassy Activities