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Embassy Activities

Embassy Activities

Farewell to Apostolic Nuncio for Holy See

06 July 2021 in 2021

On July 6th, Ambassador Abdulhadi met with His Excellency Archbishop (Most Rev.) Adolfo Tito Yllana Apostolic Nuncio for Holy See at the Embassy premises. The Nuncio told Ambassador Abdulhadi about his term concluding in Australia and his new appointment as Ambassador to Israel and Palestine.

Jordan Independence Day

18 June 2021 in 2021

On June 18, the Palestinian Ambassador participated in Jordanian Independence Day which was held in Sydney. The Jordanian ambassador, HE Dr Ali Kraishan, delivered the main speech highlighting Jordanian achievements in the last 75 years, since the creation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Gaza Fundraising Dinner

17 June 2021 in 2021

On June 17, Ambassador Abdulhadi participated in a fundraising dinner organized for Gaza families by Sydney Community Connect Inc.

AusRelief Fundraising Dinner

09 June 2021 in 2021

Ambassador Abdulhadi travelled to Sydney to participated in a fundraising dinner organized by a distinguished group of Palestinian youth, sponsored by AusRelief. The event was an incredible expression of support to Palestine and the Palestinian people.

Solidarity Gathering at NSW Parliament House

08 June 2021 in 2021

On June 8, Ambassador Abdulhadi participated in a gathering in solidarity with the Palestinian people organized by the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Palestine. The meeting discussed the recent Israeli eviction’s process of houses and people in Sheikh Jarrah and the assault on Gaza Strip.

Meeting of OIC Heads of Mission Group

03 June 2021 in 2021

On June 3, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Heads of Mission Group, the largest diplomatic group in Canberra, held a meeting in collective support of Palestine, showing genuine support to Palestine and a commitment to continue their advocacy for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.

Screening of Mayor hosted by Stronger than Fiction

28 May 2021 in 2021

The Ambassador and staff attended a screening of the film Mayor, about Musa Hadid, the mayor of Ramallah. The film screening was part of the Stronger than Fiction film festival, and was followed by a screening of a Q and A with the director and producer, David Osit.

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Embassy Activities