News & Highlights » News » 2013 » Fayyad considers the detention of the Mufti of Jerusalem a grave escalation, calls for his immediate release

Fayyad considers the detention of the Mufti of Jerusalem a grave escalation, calls for his immediate release

Fayyad considers the detention of the Mufti of Jerusalem a grave escalation, calls for his immediate release

09 May 2013 in 2013

Prime Minister Salam Fayyad calls for the immediate release of Sheikh Mohamad Hussein, Mufti of Jerusalem and all of Palestine, who was detained by Israeli occupation forces this Wednesday morning.

Fayyad considers the occupation's detention of the Mufti, Mohamad Hussein, a grave escalation in Israel's relentless violations of international law and a belligerent assault, especially in light of the Mufti's position as well as the high standing and symbolism of his office.

The Prime Minister warns of further deterioration if the international community does not intervene and assume its full responsibilities in reining in Israeli violations and insolence against our people and their rights as well as their holy sites and religious leaders.

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