News & Highlights » News » 2014 » Ashrawi: “Netanyahu Turns Israel into Racist State by Law”

Ashrawi: “Netanyahu Turns Israel into Racist State by Law”

Ashrawi: “Netanyahu Turns Israel into Racist State by Law”

06 May 2014 in 2014

RAMALLAH, May 5, 2014 – (WAFA) – Member of PLO Executive Committee Hanan ‘Ashrawi stated Monday that the Israeli government and extremist right-wing coalition reveal the true face of the Israeli apartheid regime which is based on discrimination, exclusion and rejection of the other in gross violation of humanitarian and international law.

‘Ashrawi made this statement reacting to Israeli Prime Minister’s Benjamin Netanyahu’s plans to enshrine Israel's status as the 'national homeland for the Jewish people' in law.

She added that Netanyahu is thereby turning Israel in to a state based on racism by law and that such plans are part of Israel’s political decision and on-going escalation on all levels.

“This proposal in itself reflects Israel’s racist behavior and discrimination against the Palestinian people enshrined by a set of racist laws enacted by the Israeli Knesset, the only legislative body enacting laws and regulations that violate humanitarian laws and international principles outlawing racism,” said ‘Ashrawi.

She concluded: “The attempts to institutionalize the concepts of occupation, settlement and apartheid, obliterate the Palestinian people’s presence and abrogate its right to return to its homeland are nothing but futile and helpless attempts that are doomed to fail on local and international levels.”

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