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Dr. Ashrawi on the situation of the Palestinian prisoner hunger strikers

Dr. Ashrawi on the situation of the Palestinian prisoner hunger strikers

02 June 2014 in 2014

PLO Executive Committee member and member of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), Dr. Ashrawistressed:

“The hundreds of Palestinian prisoners who have bravely gone on hunger strike to protest theunlawful practice of administrative detention represent the most selfless struggle for justice and freedom in Palestine, and expose the cruelty and illegality of the ongoing illegal occupation, particularly in relation to the thousands of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Their courageous actions should be viewed as an essential tool of nonviolence.”

“Despite an agreement issued on May 14, 2012 which concluded that administrative detention will be used only in exceptional circumstances, Israel is still systematically using this severe punitive measure, and detaining more than 180 Palestinian prisoners without charge or trial indefinitely and without access to evidence leading to their imprisonment; 8 of these political prisoners are Palestinian Legislative Council members.”

“According to international humanitarian law, administrative detention may be used only in cases of ‘imperative reasons of security’ and for the shortest period of time possible. However, it is evident that Israel continues to breach international consensus and employs criminal acts at the expense of Palestinian prisoners.”

“Following the launch of the hunger strike by the prisoners under administrative detention on April 24, the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) has undertaken dangerous measures against the hunger strikers which include violent raids on prisoners’ cells, invasive searches, the beating and injury of prisoners, the denial of medical treatment, the prohibition of family visits, and the restriction of access to lawyers.”

“More than 100 of the prisoners who began their hunger strike on April 24 have been hospitalized, and their health conditions are deteriorating rapidly.”

Dr. Ashrawi added, “The deafening silence from the international media and some official circles regarding the hundreds of Palestinian prisoner hunger strikers is inexcusable.”

“With 2014 as the International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, we call on all states, members of the press, and people of conscience to pressure Israel to drop its cruel and illegal use of the colonial practice of administrative detention and other administrative punitive measures and form an independent international commission of inquiry to investigate the severe and illegal violations committed by the IPS.”

“Israel has been exempt from accountability for its ill-treatment of Palestinian men, women and children prisoners for far too long. It is high time that the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions act to ensure that the Palestinian political prisoners’ rights are safeguarded and that Israel’s impunity comes to an end,” concluded Dr. Ashrawi.


To access this press release on the PLO DCI website, please click here.

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