News & Highlights » News » 2014 » Dr. Ashrawi: “We hope the international community, in particular the European Union, will continue in upgrading its relations with Palestine, and recognize the State of Palestine”

Dr. Ashrawi: “We hope the international community, in particular the European Union, will continue in upgrading its relations with Palestine, and recognize the State of Palestine”

Dr. Ashrawi: “We hope the international community, in particular the European Union, will continue in upgrading its relations with Palestine, and recognize the State of Palestine”

01 May 2014 in 2014

Dr. Ashrawi: “We hope the international community, in particular the European Union, will continue in upgrading its relations with Palestine, and recognize the State of Palestine”

PLO Executive Committee member, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi met with the European Union (EU) Representative to the West Bank, Gaza Strip and UNRWA, John Gatt-Rutter, Deputy EU Representative, David Greer, and Head of the Political Section, Hans Grundberg, at the PLO headquarters in Ramallah.

During the meeting, both parties discussed the latest political developments in Palestine, the reconciliation agreement signed between Fateh and Hamas, Israel’s illegal violations against the Palestinian people, the importance of the European role in bringing an end to the illegal occupation, and Palestine’s recent accession to 14 multilateral treaties and conventions and to 1 United Nations organization.

Dr. Ashrawi stressed, “We will pursue reconciliation seriously in the same way as we will implement our obligations under international law and the conventions to which we have acceded, and develop further steps according to our needs in compliance with our plans.”

“We hope the international community, in particular the European Union, will continue in upgrading its relations with Palestine, and recognize the State of Palestine, as well as in curbing the Israel’s persistent violations and unilateral measures, particularly its illegal settlement activity, apartheid walls, home demolitions, the revocation of the residency status of thousands of Palestinians living in Jerusalem, the abuse and torture of Palestinian prisoners and detainees, the annexation of land in Area C, its continued siege and blockade of the Gaza Strip, and the isolation of Jerusalem from its Palestinian environs,” concluded Dr. Ashrawi.


To access this press release on the PLO DCI website, please click here.

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