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Japan Condemns Israeli Settlement Plan in East Jerusalem, West Bank

Japan Condemns Israeli Settlement Plan in East Jerusalem, West Bank

26 March 2014 in 2014

TOKYO, March 25, 2014 (WAFA) - The Government of Japan condemned, in a statement on Tuesday, new Israeli settlement plans for the construction of housing units in Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

“The Government of Japan deeply deplores the Israel government’s approval of plans for the construction of new housing units in the Jewish Settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank,” said the statement.

“The Israeli government continues its plan for settlement construction at a time when the United States is making its utmost mediation efforts to proceed with direct negotiations between the Israeli and Palestinian sides,” said the statement. “The deadline of the direct negotiations is drawing near. This clearly goes against the ongoing efforts by the international community toward realizing a two-state solution.”

The statement said settlement activities are a violation of international law especially that Japan has repeatedly called upon Israel to fully freeze settlement activities.

“The Government of Japan strongly calls upon Israel to refrain from any unilateral act that changes the current status of East Jerusalem and to desist from implementing the above-mentioned plans of construction for the sake of progress in the peace process,” stressed the statement.

“Japan once again strongly urges both sides to act to enhance mutual trust and continue to make steady efforts for peace.”

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