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Day of the Palestinian Child

05 April 2023 in 2023

On the Day of the Palestinian Child, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates reminds that Palestinian children remain the groups most targeted by the occupying Power and its settler militias...

Press Release

28 March 2023 in 2023

The State of Palestine warns against the unaccountable fascism, unrestrained power, and unabated criminality of Israel’s officials, sustained by an undemocratic and social system of Jewish supremacy, oppression, racism, and apartheid.

Press Release: Israeli Settler Terrorism and Mass Destruction in Huwara

27 February 2023 in 2023

The General Delegation of Palestine to Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific condemns in the strongest terms the brutal terrorist attacks by extremist Israeli settlers against the Palestinian people and their property, including the killing of a 37-year-old Palestinian man and injury of over 100 others, under the protection...

Press Release: Israel's Criminal Assault against Jenin

26 January 2023 in 2023

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates - Israel's criminal assault against Jenin is the latest in this extremist government's heinous onslaught against the Palestinian people, which resulted in the willful killing of eleven Palestinians, including an elderly woman and two children, and included the attack of ambulances, paramedics, and the government...

Israeli attacks against Palestinian Children in 2022

23 November 2022 in 2023

This report provides a snapshot of the reality of Palestinian children under Israel’s prolonged occupation, highlighting some of the violations committed by the IOF and settlers against Palestinian children, mainly in the occupied West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, in 2022

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