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Statement on the Cancellation of Australian Visitor Visas

14 March 2024 in 2024

The General Delegation of Palestine to Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific has been informed by members of the Australian Palestinian community about the sudden cancellation of their relatives’ Australian visitor visas while they were en route from Gaza to Australia.

Identical Letter from the Permanent Observer Mission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations: Stop the Forced Transfer of Palestinian Civilians

09 February 2024 in 2024

Today, the Israeli Prime Minister announced that he has commanded the Israeli occupying forces to “evacuate the population” in Rafah and to destroy the “battalions” that Israel claims are present there. The manifestation of these dangerous threats is upon us as, undeterred, Israel pushes forward with its criminal plans to once again force the Palestinian people out of their land.

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