

PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi appeals to the international community to stop Israel's ongoing massacre in Gaza

15 May 2018 in 2018

"On the same day that the United States officially relocated its embassy to occupied Jerusalem, Israel murdered 55 unarmed Palestinians, including children, and injured 2,000 more who were protesting America’s illegal and disastrous move, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba ("Catastrophe") and affirming the right of return for Palestinians.

Dr. Ashrawi on Israel’s "Jewish nation-state bill"

03 May 2018 in 2018

PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi condemned yesterday’s passing of the first reading of a draft law that defines Israel ‘as the Jewish and democratic nation state of the Jewish people’ and affirms ‘the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in their historic homeland’:   “Once again, Israel...

PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi on Israel’s deliberate and violent attacks against unarmed Palestinian protestors in Gaza

07 April 2018 in 2018

“Yesterday marked the one-week anniversary of the ongoing “Great March of Return” which affirms the right of return for Palestinian refugees. However, despite the fact that the protestors were unarmed, Israeli forces deliberately targeted Palestinians with sniper fire, live ammunition, tear gas, and rubber-coated steel bullets.  At least 27 Palestinians...

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