

Speech by Senator Lisa Singh in the Australian Senate

16 June 2017 in 2017

Senator SINGH (Tasmania) (21:17): I rise tonight to add my voice to many other Australians who care deeply about the Israel-Palestine conflict and to share my recent experiences of life in Palestine and Israel. In April this year I travelled to the West Bank, a land that has been occupied...

International Community must Act to End the Occupation

09 June 2017 in 2017

This week marks the 50th year since the start of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. June also marks the 15th year since construction of the Annexation Wall began, and 10 years of closure/naval blockade on Gaza.

How the 1967 War Came Home to Me

07 June 2017 in 2017

RAMALLAH, West Bank — On June 5, 1967, I was a student at the American University of Beirut majoring in English literature. That morning, I woke early to finish a research paper on James Joyce’s “Ulysses.” As had been my habit, I turned on the BBC News.

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