

Media brief on incitement by Israeli officials

27 April 2017 in 2017

This media brief focuses only on recent statements made by top Israeli officials with regard to Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise, Jerusalem, and the prospects for a two-state solution. It also includes several statements from the past week in which these Israeli officials incite against the lives of Palestinian political prisoners...

Media Advisory: Hunger Strike for Freedom and Dignity 2017

19 April 2017 in 2017

This media advisory highlights the Palestinian prisoners' hunger strike  launched on 17 April 2017 as one significant step on the long road towards freedom and human dignity and as an effective mean to confront discriminatory Israeli laws. The advisory includes key information on the Palestinian prisoners movement, the legitimate demands of the...

Dr. Saeb Erekat Calls Upon the International Community to Hold Israel Accountable for its Systematic Violation of Palestinian Political Prisoners' Rights

19 April 2017 in 2017

Dr. Saeb Erekat, the Secretary-General of the PLO Executive Committee, today saluted the Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli jails for their acts of heroism and steadfastness in resisting Israel's oppressive practices. Dr. Erekat said: “We call upon Palestinians everywhere to support the national movement of the Palestinian prisoners in their hunger...

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