

World Bank Report - Israeli Economic Abuse

19 April 2016 in 2016

Amid discussions of a potential royal commission into banking practices in Australia and the revelations of international tax avoidance in the Panama Papers, the World Bank has published a report detailing Israeli economic abuse against the Palestinian people and the Palestinian economy. 

Palestinian Prisoners' Day

18 April 2016 in 2016

'The International Community must work to end the dehumanization and captivity of the Palestinian people' - Dr. Hanan Ashrawi marks Palestinian Prisoners' Day'

Statement by PLO Secretary General Dr. Saeb Erekat on the Israeli Occupation’s decision to declare 2,342 dunums in Jericho as “state land”

17 March 2016 in 2016

This latest Israeli decision is coherent with its government’s plan to impose an Apartheid regime in occupied Palestine. Israel, the occupying power, continues its colonial project by maintaining its belligerent occupation and by annexing more Palestinian lands throughout the occupied West Bank, including the Jordan Valley

NZ concerned at Israeli land appropriations

17 March 2016 in 2016

In a media statement issued 17 March 2016, Foreign Minister Murray McCully has described the most recent Israeli appropriation of land in the occupied Palestinian territories as deeply unhelpful.

“Israel’s settlement activity continues to threaten the viability of a two-state solution,” Mr McCully says

McCully criticises Israeli settlements

16 March 2016 in 2016

In an address to the Lowy Institute in Sydney yesterday, New Zealand Foreign Minister Mr McCully said the viability of the two-state solution between Israel and Palestine was vanishing because of Israel's settlement activity.
Mr McCully said the United Nations Security Council needed to act.

OIC calls for ban on Israeli products

10 March 2016 in 2016

The Islamic world has called on Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member countries and the international community to ban products made in or produced by Israel to put more pressure on Israeli to end its occupation of Palestinian territories.The call is part of a united statement condemning the Israeli occupation in Palestine, issued by the Islamic world at the 5th Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Extraordinary Summit on Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif in Jakarta on Monday.

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