

Statement by PLO Executive Committee member Dr. Saeb Erekat on the release of the UN Commission of Inquiry Report

23 June 2015 in 2015

On this day, we have received the conclusion of the work and submission of the report of the Commission of Inquiry mandated to investigate violations of international humanitarian and human rights law in the occupied State of Palestine, including East Jerusalem, and particularly in the Gaza Strip.

The State of Palestine will review the findings and recommendations of the Commission with the highest consideration, in line with its staunch commitment to ensuring respect for these esteemed bodies of international law.

Alarming accounts of human rights violations of Palestinians living under occupation – UN expert

22 June 2015 in 2015

GENEVA (19 June 2015) – The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Makarim Wibisono, today expressed deep concern about the human rights situation of Palestinians living under the 48-year-long Israeli occupation.

“Accounts show that occupation policies constrain Palestinian life and push Palestinians to leave their land and homes, especially in area C of the West Bank, and East Jerusalem,” said the expert after his second mission to the region.

Dr. Ashrawi: Israel’s attempts to probe its acts of war crimes and terror against the Palestinians constitute a blatant mockery of justice and human rights

17 June 2015 in 2015

With its latest report, ‘The 2014 Gaza Conflict: Factual and Legal Aspects,’ Israel is resorting to old tactics and blaming the victim. Rather than assuming responsibility for its eradication of entire families and the destruction of entire neighborhoods and infrastructure in Gaza last summer, Israel is exonerating itself and providing its military with ‘legal’ cover for committing war crimes and blatant violations of international law at the expense of the Palestinian people. Israel seeks to maintain its impunity and preempt any international verdicts that would lead to sanctions or punitive measures.”

Statement by PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Saeb Erekat on UN Decision to exclude Israel from the list of countries that commit grave violations against children in armed conflict

11 June 2015 in 2015

"We are extremely disappointed by the decision of the UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki Moon to exclude Israel from the list of countries that commit grave violations against children in armed conflict. Israel's belligerent military occupation in Palestine, has shown through the years, a total disregard for the lives and rights of our people, including children".

"We don’t have to remind the Secretary General of the reports made by several UN organizations on the matter, just as those made by Palestinian, Israeli and other international human rights organizations thoroughly outlining Israel's deliberate targeting of civilians, including children. By excluding Tel Aviv from the list, Israel, the occupying power, is now encouraged to continue its ongoing violations against the Palestinian people under occupation and particularly against children", Said Dr. Saeb Erekat.


05 June 2015 in 2015

Over 12 million Palestinians living in the occupied State of Palestine and worldwide are commemorating 67 years of the ongoing Nakba and 48 years of Israel military occupation since 1967.

“The Israeli government, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, is determined to undermine the Palestinian right to live in dignity, and is obstructing our right to self-determination,” said Dr. Saeb Erekat, Member of the Palestine Liberation Organization Executive Committee.

Fruitful discussions and outcomes between the visiting Foreign minister of New Zealand and his Palestinian counterpart in Ramallah

05 June 2015 in 2015

The Hon Murray McCully, the Foreign Minister of New Zealand has visited Palestine on Thursday , June 4 and met with HE Dr Riad Malki, the Foreign minster of the State of Palestine. Mr Murray also met with HE Mr Mahmoud Abbas, the President of Palestine and HE Dr Rami Al Hamdallah, the Prime Minister.
During these important meetings, the two sides had an extensive and deep discussion on the latest developments in Israel- Palestine conflict and the current attempts to revive the frozen peace process.

UN Push to Blacklist IDF

02 June 2015 in 2015

A push is currently being made in the United Nations to have the Israeli Defense Forces added to the blacklist of the council for Children and Armed Conflict.
The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Leila Zerrougui of Armenia, has recommended the IDF be included because of the 500 Palestinian children killed and 3,300 wounded during last summer’s Operation Protective Edge.

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