

Dr. Ashrawi on the adoption of three UNHRC resolutions regarding the occupied State of Palestine

30 March 2015 in 2015

PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi said:

“On behalf of the Palestinian leadership and the people of Palestine, we express our great appreciation and gratitude to the members of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) who assumed a principled, courageous and just stand and overwhelmingly voted in favor of three UNHRC resolutions regarding the occupied State of Palestine, including East Jerusalem, at the 28th regular session of the UNHRC.”

Dr. Ashrawi: “The U.S. is finally coming to the realization that Israeli actions are no longer acceptable”

26 March 2015 in 2015

“For so long, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was provided with the full immunity to create havoc and to do so much damage on the ground at the expense of Palestinian lives, lands and resources, and as a result, he has destroyed the two-state solution. However, the U.S. is finally coming to the realization that Israeli actions are no longer acceptable.”

Australian Labor Party Reaches an Agreement on Palestine

03 March 2015 in 2015

The Australian Labour Party weighed in on the Palestinian Israel issue at its 2015 National Conference reaching an agreement on the subject that may see Australia acknowledging a Palestinian state based on two aspects– no deal formed at the next round of peace talks and a successfully elected Federal Labor Government.

The Foreign Minister of the State of Palestine Dr. Riad Malki meets with Australian Ministers

03 February 2015 in 2015

The Palestinian Foreign Minister Dr. Malki recently met with the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs the Hon Julie Bishop at her office in Sydney. The Palestinian Minster explained to his counterpart the latest outstanding issues regarding the Israel- Palestine conflict, in particular the Palestinian attempt to end the Israeli Occupation through the Security Council.

Palestinian National Football Team participation in the 2015 AFC Asian Cup

31 January 2015 in 2015

The 2015 AFC Asian Cup witnessed an historical moment for the Palestinian people when the Palestinian national footbal team qualified for the very first time in the Asia cup that was held in Australia from the 9th – 31st of January. The groups participation in the tournament contributed to the enhancement of our team’s managerial and technical capabilities in order to meet challenges that are beyond the national and regional scope.

Black Flag: The legal and moral implications of the policy of attacking residential buildings in the Gaza Strip, summer 2014

29 January 2015 in 2015

On 8 July 2014, another round of hostilities broke out in Gaza. It was dubbed Operation Protective Edge. About 50 days later, the fighting ended in a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas. During the fighting, which included an incursion by ground forces, the Israeli military launched strikes from the air, sea and land against thousands of targets. More than 2,200 Palestinians were killed, including hundreds of children. About 18,000 homes were destroyed or badly damaged and more than 100,000 Palestinians were rendered homeless. Over the course of the fighting, Palestinians fired over 4,000 rockets and mortar shells from the Gaza Strip, mostly at civilian communities inside Israel. As a result, five civilians were killed in Israel, including a four-year-old boy. Sixty-seven Israeli soldiers were killed in the fighting.

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