

U.N. Chief Offers Stark View of Gaza Devastation

17 October 2014 in 2014

Visiting Gaza on Tuesday for the first time since this summer’s 50-day war between Israel and Hamas, the secretary general of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, said the destruction was “beyond description,” even as reconstruction efforts were underway for the first time.

“No amount of Security Council sessions, reports or briefings could have prepared me for what I witnessed today,” Mr. Ban told reporters after touring some of the most badly damaged areas of the Gaza Strip and visiting a United Nations school that was shelled during the fighting.

Dr. Ashrawi: “This Vote Sends the Right Message to the British Government and the Rest of Europe”

15 October 2014 in 2014

PLO Executive Committee member, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, welcomed the vote of the British Parliament urging its government to recognize the State of Palestine: “On behalf of the Palestinian people and its leadership, I would like to thank everyone who worked to bring about this vote. The recognition of Palestine and its people is both a principled decision and a significant step towards justice and peace.”

Dr. Ashrawi: “Gaza Reconstruction Requires a Bold Political Framework and Recognition of Palestinian Statehood”

14 October 2014 in 2014

PLO Executive Committee member, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, met with French Consul General, Hervé Magro, at the PLO Headquarters in Ramallah and stressed the following:
“The status quo is untenable; we are witnessing the end of the two-state solution. Thus, it is of the utmost urgency for Europe and other members of the international community to recognize the State of Palestine, to adopt bold political steps and undertake a serious initiative to address Israel’s ongoing violations of international law, and to put an end to Israel’s impunity and its military occupation of Palestine.”

President Abbas Speech At The Donors' Conference for Gaza Reconstruction, Cairo

13 October 2014 in 2014

Palestinian presidan and Chairman of the PLO Executive Committee started his speech by showing gratitude for the participating sides.

"I would like first to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for the chairs of this conference, for all cosponsors, and for all the states and organizations present here today. Your acceptance of this invitation and your presence here, goes to show both the nobility of your intentions and your willingness to support the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip."

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