

Dr. Ashrawi Denounces Israeli Plans to Expand Its Illegal Settlement Enterprise

01 October 2014 in 2014

Dr. Ashrawi further condemned the Israeli settler appropriation of 23 Palestinian homes and the forcible eviction of Palestinian residents by Israeli soldiers in Silwan early this morning:

“Such actions which are part of the Israeli Jerusalem Master Plan of 2020 to Judaize Jerusalem expose the true nature of the Israeli government and its continued attempts to create facts on the ground at the expense of the Palestinian people and their lands, particularly in Occupied East Jerusalem. These actions send a clear message to the world, in general, and to the Palestinian people, in particular, that Israel is committed more to land theft than to peacemaking. Israel’s unbridled settlement enterprise further constitutes a dangerous political insanity.”

Dr. Ashrawi on Netanyahu’s Speech: “Blaming the victim has always been the failed policy of the politically and morally bankrupt, and Netanyahu is no exception”

01 October 2014 in 2014

September 29, 2014 - Responding to the speech delivered by Israeli PM Benyamin Netanyahu at the United Nations, PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi stated the following:

“Netanyahu’s speech at the UN was a blatant manipulation of facts and attempted at misleading the audience through a combination of hate language, slander and argument of obfuscation. On the one hand he attempted to create an image of an unreal polarized world in which the “forces of evil” are lumped together under the title “militant Islam” blurring any distinctions among different players, including Hamas and Iran, while placing Israel in the opposite pole as a force for “light, morality and justice.”

Lecture by H.E President Mahmoud Abbas, Cooper Union, New York

24 September 2014 in 2014

September 22, 2014, I come here today to convey to you the greetings of my people in Palestine who aspire for peace and justice. Palestine is a country in the heart of the Middle East. A country in the Middle East where Christians and Muslims live in harmony. A country in the Middle East, the birth place of Jesus Christ, in Bethlehem, where I pray with my follow Palestinian Christians three times every year. A country that hopes to live in peace and security side by side with its neighbor the State of Israel.

I come today to pledge to create the new peaceful State of Palestine. I come here to ask you to Rethink Palestine.

President Abbas met Arab Follow up Committee on the Arab Peace Initiative: Full Arab Support for Palestine’s Diplomatic Initiatives

24 September 2014 in 2014

September 23, 2014,President Abbas met on Tuesday in New York with a delegation from the Arab Foreign Ministerial Follow-up Committee for the Arab Peace Initiative, headed by Secretary General Dr. Nabil El Arabi’. In the meeting President Abbas briefed the Ministers on the latest developments, particularly regarding Palestine’s initiative to set a deadline at the Security Council to end the Israeli occupation.

The Massacre of Sabra and Shatila

17 September 2014 in 2014

On this day, and in the wake of Israel’s most recent massacre in Gaza, we mark the anniversary of another of the most heinous massacres against the Palestinian people, perpetrated with impunity, and for which Israel bears responsibility – the massacre at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in 1982

Media Release: Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Hon. Tanya Plibersek MP - "Israel and West Bank Land"

15 September 2014 in 2014

The Israeli Government must reverse its decision to claim almost 400 hectares of

land in the West Bank.

Ten days ago, Labor called on the Israeli Government to explain its actions.

Subsequent reports indicate the land may be used to expand Israeli settlements in

the area.

Unilateral action like this, by any party, only undermines the peace process and the

prospect of successfully negotiating a two-state solution

Israel’s Unit 8200 refuseniks: ‘you can’t run from responsibility’

15 September 2014 in 2014

Three signatories of the Israeli military intelligence refusenik letter agreed to be interviewed by the Guardian to discuss what motivated their concerns. They are all members of Unit 8200 – known in Hebrew as Yehida Shmoneh-Matayim – Israel’s largest signals intelligence gathering unit, active both abroad and in the Palestinian territories.

All three are now on the active reserve list and have said they will not do reserve service relating to the occupied Palestinian territories. Of the three, “A”, aged 32, and Nadav, 26, are sergeants, while “D”, 29, is a captain.

Cinderella’ Palestinian soccer team still hoping for fairy-tale ending

15 September 2014 in 2014

MANILA, Philippines – The Palestinian soccer team was the Cinderella story of the sporting world following its against-the-odds victory in theAsian Football Confederation’s Challenge Cup in May. It wasn’t just that it won its first ever international piece of silverware. Or that it did so without conceding a goal in all five matches in The Maldives.
No, the victory on May 31 earned the Palestinians the 16th and final berth to compete in the Asian Cup – the continent’s biggest soccer tournament – in Australia next January.

Sports pays a price in Israeli bombing of Gaza

09 September 2014 in 2014

Israel's 51-days of relentless attacks against the Gaza Strip damaged sporting activities in the besieged enclave as well, but the Palestinian national football team carries on.

During the 51 days of relentless Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, 32 sportsmen lost their lives and numerous sports facilities were damaged

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