

New Massacre in Khuzaa’a neighborhood (east of Khan Younis) Committed against Civilians by Israeli Military Forces

25 July 2014 in 2014

Survivors of the massacre that was committed today in Khuzaa’a neighborhood (east of Khan Younis) informed us that the majority of the civilians’ homes in the neighborhood were bombed by Israeli military forces while civilians were still in their homes. Also, snipers were shooting and killing anything that moves; meaning that they were shooting civilians who were running around looking safety.

United Nations Human Rights Council – Vote on Resolution “Ensuring respect for international law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem

24 July 2014 in 2014

« Decides to urgently dispatch an independent, international commission of inquiry, to be appointed by the President of the Council, to investigate all violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, particularly in the occupied Gaza Strip, in the context of the military operations conducted since 13 June 2014, whether before, during or after, to establish the facts and circumstances of such violations and of the crimes perpetrated and to identify those responsible, to make recommendations, in particular, on accountability measures, all with a view to avoiding and ending impunity and ensuring that those responsible are held accountable, and on ways and means to protect civilians against any further assaults, to report to the Council at its twenty-eighth session »

Diplomatic pressure for Peace: A call for Sanctions

24 July 2014 in 2014

“Such Diplomatic pressure is needed now more than ever. It is a question of saving lives but also imposing accountability for criminal acts. As in similar International situations, now is the time for Economic and Military Sanctions.”
Said the National Coalition of Christian Organizations in Palestine,Kairos Palestine.

PLO Executive Committee Secretary General Yasser Abed Rabbo and PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi meet with the international diplomatic corps

23 July 2014 in 2014

PLO Executive Committee Secretary General, Yasser Abed Rabbo, and PLO Executive Committee member, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, met with the international diplomatic corps to Palestine, including consuls and representatives to the State of Palestine, at the PLO headquarters in Ramallah. They addressed the crisis in Gaza and the ongoing Israeli assault in the context of internal, regional and global political developments.

Both Mr. Abed Rabbo and Dr. Ashrawi insisted that the Egyptian proposal is a necessary first step that must be developed, not only to end the blockade, but to ensure Israeli compliance with international law and the requirements for peace:

10 Human Rights Organizations in an Urgent Letter to Attorney General: Concerns Regarding Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law in the IDF's Operations in Gaza

23 July 2014 in 2014

Ten human rights organizations urgently contacted Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein today following the release of reports on the nature of attacks within the Gaza Strip and the high rate of civilian casualties. This information raises concerns about grave violations of international humanitarian law.

UNRWA Reiterates Its Appeal to Provide Urgent Cash Assistance to Gaza

23 July 2014 in 2014

ERUSALEM, July 22, 2014 (WAFA) - The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), in a statement Tuesday, reiterated its appeal to provide urgent cash assistance to the urgent humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza in light of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the strip sine July 8.
UNRWA has appealed for US$ 115 million in funds to respond to the urgent humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza. Palestinians in the West Bank, both individuals and institutions, have been eager to send support to their compatriots in the Gaza Strip, and their generosity is a welcome expression of solidarity and support, it said.

ICHR Condemns the Massacre Committed this Morning against Palestinian Civilians in Al- Shuja’iya Neighbourhood and Calls upon the International Community to Abide with their Legal Obligations and Take Immediate Action

21 July 2014 in 2014

The Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR) strongly condemns this morning massacre against the Palestinian civilian population of the Shuja’iya Neighbourhood in the Gaza Strip when the Israeli Occupation Forces indiscriminately and disproportionately opened fire resulting in hundreds of casualties in this neighbourhood. ICHR also strongly condemns the continuous Israeli occupation’s ferocious aggression and massacres against the Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip thereby committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in flagrant violation of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law.

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