

Israel's Criminal Assault on the occupied State of Palestine Gaza Under Fire

10 July 2014 in 2014

In a special report issued by the Negotiation Affairs Department the following were highlighted: "The latest Israeli criminal assault against the Palestinian people aims at targeting Palestinian national unity, weakening Palestinian institutions and enforce the disconnection between the West Bank & Gaza Strip. Its methods include the collective punishment of the Palestinian people throughout the occupied West Bank, including Israel, and the Gaza Strip. Alarmingly, in the past few days, the Israeli government has severely intensified its actions against the already besieged Gaza and its 1.7 million inhabitants. As an occupying power, Israel is required to comply with obligations under international humanitarian law. Nevertheless, it systematically continues to violate its obligations through unrelenting colonization, expropriation and aggression in Palestine".

Secretary-General's message commomorating the 10th Anniversary of the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice

10 July 2014 in 2014

In his speech, the secretary General said: "The implications of the wall go far beyond its legality. The wall severely restricts Palestinian movement and access throughout the West Bank, cuts off land and access to resources needed for Palestinian development, and continues to undermine agricultural and rural livelihoods throughout the West Bank. Moreover, the wall and increased settlement expansion have worsened the fragmentation of the Palestinian Territory, compounding the increasing isolation of East Jerusalem from the rest of the Territory".

President Abbas demands Israel halt Gaza raids 'immediately'

09 July 2014 in 2014

"Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas demanded Israel immediately stop its escalation and the raids on Gaza," said a statement from his office published shortly after midnight by the official WAFA news agency.

He also asked the international community "to immediately intervene to halt this dangerous escalation which would lead the region to more destruction and instability."

Urgent appeal to the Security Council of the United Nations to uphold its Charter duties following the Israeli aggression against Gaza

09 July 2014 in 2014

Ambassador Dr. Riyad Mansour sent identical letters to the UN Secretary-General, President of the Security Council, and the President of the General Assembly, on the escalating Israeli aggressions against Gaza strip. He wrote: “We reiterate our urgent appeal to the Security Council of the United Nations to uphold its Charter duties and undertake the necessary action to bring an end to this Israeli aggression and to protect the Palestinian civilian population. What is being perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people constitutes a grave breach of all norms of international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits the willful killing of civilians and prohibits reprisals against the civilian population by the occupying Power. War crimes are clearly being perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people and this must be unequivocally condemned and stopped. A strong message must be sent to Israel, the occupying Power, to cease immediately its military campaign and abide by the law, in order to deescalate this dangerous situation, to promote calm, and, most importantly, to save innocent civilian lives”.

Dr. Ashrawi: “Neither Israel nor its extremist settlers should be granted the license to commit murder and terror”

08 July 2014 in 2014

PLO Executive Committee member, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, called on the United Nations Security Council “to uphold its responsibilities in maintaining international peace and security throughout the world and to act immediately to put an end to further Israeli acts of excessive force and violence throughout the West Bank (including occupied East Jerusalem) and in Gaza. Israel must be held accountable for its flagrant violations of international law and vicious attacks and crimes against the Palestinians.”

Recent Abductions and Killings Require International Action to End the Illegal Israeli Settlement Policy

08 July 2014 in 2014

Since 12 June the Israeli government has initiated a campaign of collective punishment, including mass arrests, movement restrictions, and punitive house demolitions. During this period seven Palestinians have also been killed by live fire in the West Bank by Israeli forces. Al-Haq condemns any loss of civilian life and calls for accountability irrespective of the perpetrators involved.
The international community must act to end a settlement policy that violates international law in order to prevent a further deterioration of the situation on the ground and protect civilian life.

US demands investigation into alleged beating of teenager by Israeli police

07 July 2014 in 2014

The United States government says it is "profoundly troubled" by reports that a 15-year-old American of Palestinian descent was badly beaten by Israeli paramilitary police during riots in East Jerusalem.

Calling for an urgent investigation, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki confirmed that the teen, Tariq Khdeir, was being held by Israeli authorities in Jerusalem and said a consular officer had visited him on Saturday.

Abbas Sends Ban Ki-Moon Urgent Letter Demanding Investigation into Israeli Crimes against Palestinians

07 July 2014 in 2014

RAMALLAH, July 6, 2014 (WAFA) – President Mahmoud Abbas Sunday called on UN secretary general Ban Ki-Moon to form an international committee to monitor and investigate crimes and violations committed against the Palestinian people, including the burning and killing of Palestinian teenager Tariq Abu Khdeir on June 2nd at the hands of Israeli settlers.

During a meeting with UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Robert Serry, in Ramallah, Abbas gave Serry an urgent letter to deliver to Ki-Moon.

Security Council Press Statement on Killing of Palestinian Teenager

04 July 2014 in 2014

The members of the Security Council expressed profound sorrow and condemned in the strongest terms the abduction and killing of a Palestinian teenager from East Jerusalem on 2 July, and extended their condolences and sympathies to the family of the victim of this heinous act and to the Palestinian people

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