

US condemns 'heinous murder' of Palestinian teen

04 July 2014 in 2014

White House press secretary Josh Earnest said the United States "condemns in the strongest possible terms" the death of 17-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir, which followed the discovery in the West Bank on Monday of the bodies of three abducted Israeli teenagers.

Australia condemns continued violence

04 July 2014 in 2014

In a media release issued 3July 2014, The Australian Government offered its profound condolences to the family and friends of the Palestinian teenager found murdered in East Jerusalem on 2 July.

Statement by the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Mr. Robert Serry, on the murder of a Palestinian boy in Jerusalem

03 July 2014 in 2014

I strongly condemn the reported murder of a Palestinian boy in Jerusalem. I recall the Secretary-General’s message: there can be no justification for the deliberate killing of civilians – any civilians. The perpetrators of such heinous acts must be brought to justice. I repeat my call on all sides to do everything they can not to further exacerbate an already tense atmosphere. Our thoughts are with the bereaved family.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs condemns in the strongest terms the killing of 16 year-old Mohamad Abu Khudeir

03 July 2014 in 2014

In a press release issued on July 2nd,The Palestinian Minister of Foreign Affairs condemns in the strongest terms the monstrous kidnapping, torture, and set on fire the body of 16 year-old Mohamad Abu Khudeir at the hands of a terrorist militia of Israeli settlers this Wednesday in occupied Jerusalem. The Palestinian government holds the Israeli government responsible for this atrocious crime and the impunity with which Israeli terrorists assault Palestinian civilians and property.

Palestinian teen abducted, killed in suspected revenge attack

03 July 2014 in 2014

JERUSALEM (AFP) -- A Palestinian teenager from occupied East Jerusalem was kidnapped and killed early Wednesday in a suspected act of revenge for the killing of three Israeli youths, Israeli army radio reported.

Locals identified the victim as 16-year-old Muhammad Hussein Abu Khdeir from the Shufat neighborhood.

Witnesses told Ma'an that footage from surveillance cameras shows Israelis stepping out of a Hyundai in front of Abu Khdeir's house and forcing the teen inside before speeding off.

Spain, Italy warn against investing in Israeli settlements

30 June 2014 in 2014

Spain and Italy have joined France in advising their citizens not to invest in Israeli settlements built on occupied Palestinian Land.

The Italian Foreign Minister Frederico Mogherini told Italians on Friday “not to get involved in financial activity and investments” in settlements in the West Bank, Italian media reported.

France, Germany and Britain have already issued similar advisories, as the international community regards all Israeli settlements built on occupied land as illegal.

Presbyterians Vote to Divest Holdings to Pressure Israel

23 June 2014 in 2014

DETROIT — After passionate debate over how best to help break the deadlock between Israel and the Palestinians, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted on Friday at its general convention to divest from three companies that it says supply Israel with equipment used in the occupation of Palestinian territory.

Recent Israeli Violations

20 June 2014 in 2014

Identical Letters sent to Secretary-General, President of Security Council, & President of General Assembly by Dr. Riyad Mansour Ambassador, Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations. In his letter Dr Mansour said: "Excellency, I regret to have to draw your attention to the critical and tense situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem – the territory that constitutes the State of Palestine – as a result of Israel’s relentless provocations and illegal actions against the Palestinian people. Israel continues to carry out grave violations of […]

Meeting with Islamic and Arab countries

20 June 2014 in 2014

19 June 2014- In a media release following her meeting with Islamic and Arab countries, Minister of Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop said:"I have held a constructive meeting this afternoon with the representatives of the Islamic and Arab countries accredited in Canberra.

At this meeting I provided a letter re-affirming that there has been no change in the Australian Government’s position on the legal status of the Palestinian Territories, including East Jerusalem.

Our position is consistent with relevant UN resolutions adopted over many years, including UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338.

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