

Tony Abbott: 'disputed' East Jerusalem merely a clarification

16 June 2014 in 2014

The prime minister said the government had made no change in policy and strongly supported a two-state solution. But he acknowledged it was an “extremely sensitive” topic and said the foreign affairs minister, Julie Bishop, would meet ambassadors of countries that had raised objections.

Palestine calls on world powers to stand against administrative detention

12 June 2014 in 2014

Dr. Saeb Erakat said in a letter obtained by AFP Wednesday: "I am writing on behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organization and President Mahmoud Abbas to request your immediate intervention on behalf of the approximately 130 Palestinian detainees and prisoners currently on hunger strike in Israeli prisons." "We call on you to call on Israel to annul the policy of administrative detention and to condition deepening your bilateral ties with Israel pending Israel's fulfilment of all its obligations," He added.

Death of Palestinians in protest may be Israeli war crime: rights group

11 June 2014 in 2014

(Reuters) - The killing last month of two Palestinian teenagers during a protest in the occupied West Bank might constitute an Israeli war crime, Human Rights Watch said in a report published on Monday.

Palestinian medics said Muhammad Abu Thahr, 16, and Nadim Nuwara, 17, were shot dead by Israeli troops using live ammunition on May 15 as they took part in the demonstration.

Jordan summons Australian diplomat on status of east Jerusalem

11 June 2014 in 2014

AMMAN, June 9 (Xinhua) -- Jordan summoned the Australian charge d'affaire in Amman to express concern over Australia's decision to stop referring to east Jerusalem as "occupied," Jordan's foreign ministry said on Monday.

The ministry said that Australia's decision contradicts all international resolutions that consider east Jerusalem as an integral part of the Palestinian territories which was occupied by Israel in 1967, state-run Petra news agency reported.

U.N. worried about health of hunger-striking Palestinian detainees

10 June 2014 in 2014

(Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon voiced concerns on Friday about the worsening health of Palestinian hunger strikers in Israeli detention and demanded that they either be formally charged or released immediately.

Several dozen Palestinians on hunger strike, protesting Israel's use of administrative detention to keep them behind bars, have been taken to hospital.

Australia hinders progress in Middle East peace process

10 June 2014 in 2014

Australia’s new policy of refusing to describe East Jerusalem as “occupied”, confirmed by a statement made by Attorney-General George Brandis in consultation with Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, will not be helpful to Australia’s reputation, the peace process or Israel itself.
The Abbott government’s new position shatters what has been for nearly 50 years a completely bipartisan position. Neither Fraser and Peacock, nor Howard and Downer either adopted or even explored taking a similar stance. And for very good reason.

Foreign Ministry Recalls Australia’s Representative for Remarks on ‘Jerusalem’

10 June 2014 in 2014

RAMALLAH, June 8, 2014 (WAFA) – Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday recalled the Representative of Australia to Palestine, Thomas Wilson, to protest against remarks made by the Attorney-General of Australia, George Brandis, in which he called for not referring to East Jerusalem as an occupied territory.
Al-Maliki called on the Australia Government and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide an official clarification on their announced position towards occupied East Jerusalem.

Dr. Ashrawi describes Australia’s Attorney-General’s comments on East Jerusalem as ‘disgraceful and shocking’

06 June 2014 in 2014

PLO Executive Committee member, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi strongly denounced Australian Attorney-General George Brandis’ announcement that East Jerusalem is not occupied:

“It is absolutely disgraceful and shocking that on the 47th anniversary of Israel’s military occupation of the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), and Gaza, Australian Attorney-General George Brandis is issuing such inflammatory and irresponsible statements that ‘occupied East Jerusalem’ is ‘a term freighted with pejorative implications, which is neither appropriate nor useful.’ Such pronouncements are not only in blatant violation of international law and global consensus, but are also lethal in any pursuit of peace and toxic to any attempt at enacting a global rule of law.”

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