


27 June 2013 in 2013

In the coming days, President Mahmoud Abbas is scheduled to meet US Secretary of State John Kerry in Amman to talk about the stalled peace process. The Palestinian leadership has supported Secretary Kerry’s initiative and expressed, on several occasions, their confidence that Secretary Kerry’s intentions are genuine. Unfortunately, the Israeli government continues with policies on the ground that contradict and prejudice the very outcome of negotiations, while Israeli officials and members of the ruling coalition have made a number of clear statements reaffirming that the Israeli government are not serious about the two-state solution, or a just and lasting peace.

President Mahmoud Abbas received the Commissioner-General of UNRWA, Filippo Grandi, and discussed the agency’s work for the refugees

25 June 2013 in 2013

Abbas called on Grandi to intensify work to help the Palestinian refugees in Syria due to the ongoing conflict.

In return, Grandi briefed Abbas on the agency’s work to help the Palestinian refugees whether in Syria or abroad and to ease their suffering.

They exchanged suggestions on how to mobilize on the United Nations or the Arab League’s level in order to speed providing the necessary humanitarian supplies.

UN Special Rapporteur Falk: Collective punishment in Gaza must end: Israel’s blockade enters its 7th year

18 June 2013 in 2013

GENEVA, 14 June 2013 – The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel since 1967, Richard Falk, called today on Israel to end its blockade over the Gaza Strip, six years after it was tightened following the Hamas takeover in June 2007. The human suffering of the land, sea and air blockade imposed on the 1.75 million Palestinians living in one of the most densely populated and impoverished areas of the world has been devastating

Dr. Ashrawi strongly denounced recent statement by Israeli Deputy Minister of Defence Danny Danon

17 June 2013 in 2013

PLO Executive Committee member, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi strongly denounced recent statements by Israeli officials in which Deputy Minister of Defense Danny Danon made ludicrous claims that there would never be a Palestinian state, whether U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry visited or not and that Palestinians will be governed by Jordan, and Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon rejected the Arab Peace Initiative and called it a spin

Israeli Deputy defense minister: This government will block any two-state deal

11 June 2013 in 2013

With the Likud-Beytenu and Jewish Home parties opposed to a Palestinian state, efforts at negotiations are futile, Danny Danon tells Times of Israel
Israel’s ruling party and the governing coalition are staunchly opposed to a two-state solution and would block the creation of a Palestinian state if such a proposal ever came to a vote, Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon said, contradicting statements by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and senior cabinet members who say Jerusalem is committed to the principle of two states for two peoples.

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