

Fayyad considers the detention of the Mufti of Jerusalem a grave escalation, calls for his immediate release

09 May 2013 in 2013

Prime Minister Salam Fayyad calls for the immediate release of Sheikh Mohamad Hussein, Mufti of Jerusalem and all of Palestine, who was detained by Israeli occupation forces this Wednesday morning. Fayyad considers the occupation's detention of the Mufti, Mohamad Hussein, a grave escalation in Israel's relentless violations of international law and a belligerent assault, especially in light of the Mufti's position as well as the high standing and symbolism of his office.

Palestine now recognised by greater power than US or Israel – Google

06 May 2013 in 2013

Internet giant follows UN in recognising statehood, changing home page tagline from 'Palestinian territories' to 'Palestine'.
When the UN recognized Palestine as an observer state last November, Israel retaliated by announcing new settlements. Now an organization of arguably greater authority has recognized Palestine: Google.

EU Countries to Label Products From Israeli Settlements _ By: Akiva Eldar for Al-Monitor Israel Pulse Posted on April 19

24 April 2013 in 2013

As the United States attempts to renew the diplomatic process between Israel and the Palestinians, the European Union is adopting tougher measures toward Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Al-Monitor has learned that 13 member states, including Britain, France, Spain and the Netherlands, have decided to label the products imported from the settlements.

“Hiding Behind its Pseudo Democracy” Israel Captures More than 40% from Palestinian Lands Using Twisted Methods_ARIJ_April 20,2013

24 April 2013 in 2013

Unfortunately, many countries see Israel as “the Democratic State of Israel”, neglecting the axiom that it’s the only occupying state in the recent history that repudiates the international legitimacy and international law rules.

In this report, ARIJ will highlight the case of the Israeli seizure of the Palestinian lands under several pretexts and dispelling the Israeli delusive arguments concerning these confiscations:

Palestinian Prisoners Subjected to War Crime of Deportation

22 April 2013 in 2013

As Palestinians mark an emotional Prisoner's Day, the Israeli authorities are currently coercing Samer al-'Issawi to accept a deal that would see him deported to a United Nations (UN) Member State in exchange for ending his hunger strike. Samer has repeatedly refused to accept any such deal, which constitutes a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and therefore qualifies as one of the most serious war crimes.

New Report: Physicians for Human Rights-Israel Exposes Laundry List of Medical Ethics Violations Committed by the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) That Endangered the Lives of Hunger Striking Prisoners and Detainees | April 2013

22 April 2013 in 2013

Ahead of Palestinian Prisoners’ Day (April 17th) - and in light of the prolonged
hunger strike currently waged by Palestinian Prisoner Samer ‘Issawi, as well as
recent reports detailing the deaths of several Palestinian security prisoners -
PHR-Israel releases an extensive report exposing a long list of medical ethics and human rights violations carried out by the Israeli Prisoners' Services (IPS), specifically by prison medical practitioners, that endangered the lives of prisoners and detainees on hunger strike. According to PHR-Israel, the violations are a direct result of situating prison medical services under the auspices of the IPS, which operate largely out of security considerations.

Cabinet Condemns Continued Israeli Violations, Calls for Urgent International Intervention to Save the Lives of Prisoners on Hunger Strike

17 April 2013 in 2013

Prime Minister Salam Fayyad briefed the Cabinet during its regular meeting this Tuesday in Ramallah on the letter of resignation, which he submitted to his Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday 13 April 2013. The Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to the President for his confidence and appreciation of the government and its contributions in service of the national cause. In this regard, the Cabinet affirmed its commitment to continue shouldering its responsibilities during the caretaker period, which the President commissioned the government to assume.

Dr. Ashrawi's letter to UN Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay

12 April 2013 in 2013

Sent on April 7, this letter discusses the tragic death of the Palestinian prisoner Maysara Abu Hamdiyeh and Israel's deliberate negligence of the medical conditions of Palestinian prisoners . It also stresses that Israel and other members of the international community must comply with the Geneva Conventions and establish anindependent international fact-finding mission to investigate the circumstances surrounding Abu Hamdiyeh's death and the other Palestinian political prisoners who have died in Israeli prisons

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